All along the trail it was not uncommon to see porters such as this man carrying heavy loads of 50 kgs or more. And, as if that's not incredible enough, they're usually wearing flip-flops or tennis shoes!

These are Tibetan prayer wheels. They were placed at the beginning and end of most of the villages we walked through. Prayer wheels are used by Tibetans and Buddhists alike to send out blessings and positive thoughts so every time we would enter or leave a village we would walk with the wheels to our right and spin them as we went by in order to ensure a safe journey.
Along with the prayer wheels there would sometimes be rows of stones such as these engraved with Buddhist mantras.
A glacier at 5,400 metres.
Looking down the valley towards Manang.
This is a picture of Ganggapurna Peak taken from Gunsang which was one of our favorite places on the trek. How could it not be with views like this?!

This picture gives you an idea of the kind of mega terrain we walked through. As a Geologist Kim was in constant awe as he'd never before been anywhere like this.

This is high camp where we spent the night before crossing the pass. It was a cold sleep up there at 4,925 metres!

This picture was taken from the ridge above high camp. It was super windy up there. I was scared i was going to be blown off!

After an early start and a climb of 500 metres we reached Thorong-La Pass wich is said to be one of the highest mountain passes in the world at 5,416 metres. The air up there is definitely a lot thinner and each step must be taken slowly or you find yourself out of breathe and gasping for air. This day was a long one because after reaching the pass we had to descend 1,600 metres to the nearest village with accomodation.

A wooly mountain yak!

A mountain woman spinning yarn from yak.

The cutest little girl ever!