The train from Delhi to get us to Rishikesh left at 15:25. Chelle and I arrived on the platform at 15:23 and the train moved off as soon as we boarded. It turns out our clock was out by half an hour. If it wasn’t for the overpriced rickshaw we took to the station we would’ve been staying another night in “dust bowl Delhi”. The train was chockers, seating was three by three and there was no room for our packs in the overhead racks. No problem, we strapped the packs to the underside of the luggage racks in minutes, as the whole train stared at the crazy foreigners. We made sure they were stowed securely because a mother was nursing her baby directly below one of our packs and I don’t think we would have been too popular if a 20kg pack fell onto mother and baby.
The train ride takes about four and a half hours, with no aircon. Who can complain when it only cost 100 rupees (about 3 bucks)? I spent about two hours sitting in the doorway of the car with the wind in my hair and my feet hanging out the side. We passed by village after town after village. I don’t seem to remember seeing any land that was not inhabited or used for agriculture. We passed hundreds of villages where, due to lack of resources or money, people resort to gathering up the cow shit and baking the patties in the sun. This is then stacked into tall, well constructed towers of dung and used as a heat source in all domestic applications (heating, cooking etc.).
Poverty is around you all the time in India. As I was sitting in the doorway, a young boy dragged himself through the cabin begging for food or money. The boy had lost the use of his tiny deformed legs. I shared some sweets with him and we sat there watching India flicker by like an early animation.
The train ride takes about four and a half hours, with no aircon. Who can complain when it only cost 100 rupees (about 3 bucks)? I spent about two hours sitting in the doorway of the car with the wind in my hair and my feet hanging out the side. We passed by village after town after village. I don’t seem to remember seeing any land that was not inhabited or used for agriculture. We passed hundreds of villages where, due to lack of resources or money, people resort to gathering up the cow shit and baking the patties in the sun. This is then stacked into tall, well constructed towers of dung and used as a heat source in all domestic applications (heating, cooking etc.).
Poverty is around you all the time in India. As I was sitting in the doorway, a young boy dragged himself through the cabin begging for food or money. The boy had lost the use of his tiny deformed legs. I shared some sweets with him and we sat there watching India flicker by like an early animation.